United Information Technology

Country : China Company Type :
Contact Person : Amr   Ibrahim Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : 20 02 2419627 Fax. : 20 02 2402990
Web Site : http://www.uiteg.com
Address : 36 Ali Ibrahim Ramez St,. Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt, Cairo, Egypt
Main Business
Star Thermal Barcode Printer TSP-700
UPS Line Interactive
Founded in 1992, United Information Tecnology has rapidly emerged as the leader in the IT service and support field. Our finger prints are all around the country. Known for reliability and high quality, from small volume businesses to Multi-national companies rely on our services.

At UIT, we believe that service is a vital element in the IT business. So, it is our job to bring the down time of the customers' operations to the minimum limits.