Jiangsu Tianai Group Jurong Arts&Crafts General Factory

Country : China Company Type :
Contact Person : Benjamin   Peng Contact Email : Inquire now!
Tel. : (86 511) 7401035 Fax. : (86 511) 7401199
Web Site : http://www.tianaitoys.com/gbversion/www.tianaitoys.com
Address : Houbai, Jurong Zhenjiang Jiangsu China 212444
Main Business

All categories - 90 products

Christmas decorative supplies - 1 product

Cushions - 11 products

Dolls - 1 product

Fancy/cartoon keychains - 1 product

Indoor slippers - 8 products

Promotional bags - 2 products

Ride-on toys - 1 product

Rugs - 3 products

Stuffed & plush toys - 62 products

About Jiangsu Tianai Group Jurong Arts and Crafts
At Jiangsu Tianai Group Jurong, we've grown over the past 26 years. Today, we have 80 production lines supplying up to 1.8 million stuffed and plush toys per month. Our experience and capacity are why buyers such as Wal-Mart come to us.
Releasing 200 New Products Monthly
Choose from our catalog of designs, or let our 35 R&D experts develop your OEM projects. They create up to 200 new items every month, so you'll never be short of choices.

Sixty QC Staff to Ensure Quality
Whatever your selection, our 60 QC staff and ISO 9001:2000-certified management will ensure consistent, quality production.

Delivery in 20 Days
With our supply capacity, we can fill your orders in as few as 20 days -- three times as fast as the industry average.

Contact Jiangsu Tianai Group Jurong Today
Visit our product showroom to see our latest designs. Then send us an e-mail about what you need.